Saturday, May 21, 2011

Update on Van-Man

Blogging how I have missed you! Now that I can actually breath and use my computer for important things like facebook and blogging, life is so much better:) I need to update about our little man, Vance. I think I will do it in a list type style because I haven't updated about him in a while.

Last Check-up:

Can't remember:( but we did weigh him on the airport luggage scale and it said he weighed 25 lbs but then again do we believe the scale? I am sure they add a few pounds just to rip people off by telling them that their bag is "overweight".

I will measure his height tomorrow and update that right here:

Things Vance loves to do:
1. Eat
2. Yell momma and Dada whenever he feels like doing so
3. Climbing on everything
4. Taking bubbles ( his word for Shower or bath)
5. Tackling anyone who is laying on the ground
6. Coloring
7. Running
8. Skyping with family
9. Watching Chuggington
10. Looking at animals and making the sounds
11. Stomping in puddles
12. Being outside
13. Discovering new things
14. Dancing in the kitchen with momma and daddy. He takes me by the hand and leads me with his arm. So sweet!
15. Giving kisses

Things vance hates to do:

1. Going inside
2. Having his diaper changed
3. Throwing his binky in the crib after naps and when he wakes up in the morning.
4. Leaving grandmas

Vance is doing anything and everything that a normal almost toddler does. He runs/walks, he's on a great schedule still, he eats really well, he loves to be around other kids ( although he is a little passive sometimes or overly sensitive... this has got to change), he loves dogs from a distance, he loves to be played with and he especially loves play with Jordan.

Some of the things we catch him doing are: reading books to himself, standing on his bike without holding on, shooting hoops, unfolding my folded laundry.


Food is still hard to deal with because of his allergies. But he handles it pretty well. Some things he loves to eat are:

1. Syrup. He dips his cute little finger in it and licks it off.
2. The very tips of asparagus... weird, I don't know why.
3. Butternut squash
4. Sweet potato fries dipped in syrup... super heathy, I know.
5. Animal crackers
6. Any seafood.. he loves it all!

Vance is a happy boy. We really think we are lucky to have him. His sweet spirit soothes my soul and creates a meaning for my life. He is consistent with the love he feels for me and Jordan. It is sometimes a scary thought that he trusts us completely and that we are shaping and forming this sweet baby into hopefully something special and perfect. Vance, we love you and you mean the world to us!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Aww! So glad to hear he's doing so well. What a cutie!