Tuesday, January 4, 2011

December 22nd. Jordan's Birthday!

Jordan has turned 24 years old. He feels weird that he is actually getting older. He says that he doesn't feel himself getting older yet. On his birthday we decided that it would be fun to just have it be me and him. My mom and brothers came to town that day so we dropped Vance off in Ogden at Grandma and Grandpa's, where everyone was staying. We were able to go to out to a "really really nice dinner" to Jordan's all-time favorite restaurant, Carl's Jr. ( I absolutely hate it. Burgers and fake chicken just aren't my thing) but we went there and he loved every bite! Then we went to the movies. Jordan is obsessed with movies and knows the exact date when every movie comes out and what the ratings are for them. So we spent the rest of the night at the movie theater. We went to Tron and Harry Potter. He was so happy!

Happy Birthday Jordan! We love you!

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