Thursday, March 11, 2010

Vance is 4 Months Old

I miss the newborn stages but I really love this stage. He does all sorts of things. To name a few:

1) He reaches for things! I was a little worried because for the past month I would lay him in his bouncy chair with the little animals that hang and he would just yell at them and not reach for them. Now he does!

2) He hooks his finger in the binky loop and pulls it out and waves it in the air.

3) He laughs a little bit. Well he has only done it once with Jordan's brother, Jesse.

4) He can sit up if he's concentrating on something... so I don't know whether or not to count that:)

5) He loves to feel mommy or daddy's faces. He looks at them like I know you and I love you:)

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