Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Biggest Goal I've Ever Made...

So I now know what is harder than being pregnant for 10 months, giving birth, and recovery combined... GETTING BACK IN SHAPE! Before a got pregnant with Vance, I made the goal to run a half-marathon. Crazy but I was determined. I was up to running about 5 miles and that was pushing it. But then the doctor told me that I couldn't run like that anymore so I just stopped doing EVERYTHING. SO STUPID! Now I am paying for that.
I heard that in order to make and keep a goal you have to write it down. I don't know how much I believe in that concept but I am going to put it to the test.

My goal: I am going to train again. I will run in the Provo City Half-Marathon on May 1st, 2010. My goal time is 2 hours and 15 minutes. I am running it with Daydre Manwill.

I am a little nervous that I am posting this because now it means people know and that I can't back out. I guess that is the point of writing goals down, to make them known:)

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