Thursday, February 11, 2010

Crafty Goal...

So for those of you that know me really well know that I am just not blessed with being creative or crafty. But I am trying to make myself be. I want to be creative and artsy so that when Vance is old enough, I can paint and do fun things with him. When I told Jordan this he just smiled and said with full support, "okay honey." :)
So the past few weeks I have made frames, Valentine hearts made out of crayons, and these cute and tasty Valentine heart krispies. Jordan helped me and supported me telling me that they looked great... ha ha.. he is so sweet. We made these for Ashley Manwill/Mounteer who just had her sweet baby girl two days ago. Hope she enjoyed them.

1 comment:

Ang said...

I loved when you made these. I thought they turnd out so flippin cute. You are crafty, see. You just didn't know it yet.