Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 9... Confusion and the Answer

So we went to California in the middle of April of 2008 and for the month after that I had nothing but confusion. I could not make a decision. I wanted to marry Jordan but I also had commitment issues I guess. I prayed and prayed about it. Finally one day I went to the temple and stayed there for a long time. It was peaceful. I wasn't even thinking about my life or Jordan at the time but out of no where he popped into my head and I was overwhelmed with the feeling that I was supposed to marry him. That was all I needed.
For the weeks following we started to plan the wedding. I could not believe that I was planning a wedding and I wasn't even engaged. I had a ring picked out from the beginning of my sophmore year in high school. I carried around a page that was torn out of a magazine that had the ring on it. So Jordan took me to a jeweler that sold that brand and to my surprise I hated the way the ring looked on my finger! So now we were back to square one. We looked and looked and finally he decided that he would design the ring and have it made ( he's an artist). So the ring was taken care of, now on to the wedding...

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